Point of View: Making country better begins with you and me

President-elect Donald Trump ran a campaign with a message promising to make America great again. But the reality is that the responsibility to rebuild our democracy, and our political process, is on all of us.

After the election, we find ourselves more divided than ever on “who” can make America a better place. I learned from the most recent election that we need to take personal responsibility for engaging with our democracy and encouraging others to do so.

I was raised in Enid. I often boast about all of the wonderful people and businesses connected with my hometown. So, when I saw Enid mentioned recently in The New York Times (a rare occasion!), I had to take a deeper look. What I found did not make me proud.

In response to the Enid News and Eagle's endorsement of Hillary Clinton, some community members publicly threatened the newspaper's staff, vandalized property and continue a boycott on the paper itself. They're needlessly harming their own community. Don't follow their example. Instead, give your local paper something worth reporting. Write a well-considered rebuttal or submit a story about civic discourse between community members. The presidential election is only one aspect of democracy. It's important that we remain engaged in the four years in between, and local papers are a key part of that engagement.

Regardless of your party leanings, your country and your local community need you to engage. Contact your local elected officials. Meet with those who disagree and begin to look for common ground. Let your efforts at positive change be featured in the headlines.


Embracing civics education in Oklahoma with more than a test